Monday, May 16, 2016


It is much easier to describe what a bystander would be to a physical fight or a verbal altercation. But what is the definition of a bystander when it comes to cyberbullying? In simple terms, a bystander is someone who witnesses an incident or incidents and doesn't do anything about it.

When it comes to cyberbullying this typically means someone who scrolls past the incident or reads through it and doesn't speak up or do anything about it. I would say the vast majority of us are bystanders to cyberbullying and half the time we don't even know it.

I think the ignorance that comes from people ignoring cyberbullying is the fact that what a lot of parents and teachers have taught us to do when we see something online like that is to not get involved. Most people have taken that as "ignore it". Where in actuality you should use the "report" button or tell a teacher or someone who is an authoritative figure.

By doing nothing that makes you a bystander. If you speak up you can help the situation. The one things parents and teachers have gotten right is don't get involved online. Don't add fuel to the fire or make the argument worse.

Today cyberbullying is arguably more common than physical/verbal bullying. With the amount of involvement todays youth has on social media it is natural that cyberbullying would occur there instead of out in the real world.

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