Is Google taking over the world?
How many times a day do you think you use Google? I bet just like me at first you only thought maybe just a handful of times. Then you will start to realize how many times you really refer to Google each day.
In the obvious case, when you need to look something up like a recipe, answer to a homework problem, a restaurant to go to, you'll type it into
People are using Google in so many more places other than just On your iPhone for instance. Any time you ask Siri a question and she doesn't know the answer. Siri will say, "I don't know let me search the web for that". That turns your question into an automatic Google search. If you search for something on the vast majority of Apples Apps they will redirect to Google for more information.
Google has become a key part of many of our lives. It is a way for people to get information quickly and almost anywhere they go. For the most part I think Google and the large majority of internet and technological advancements are great for the human population. These advancements allow people to stay connected no matter how far they are. Get instant information on things as simple as what bands are playing this weekend or how to stop the bleeding for someone if they are seriously injured.
I think people are starting to rely a bit too much on things like Google to get answers for things they should already know, just because the answers are so easily accessible.
One way in particular that the accessibility of the information online is becoming dangerous in a sense is that people could research someone else before they meet, or right after they meet and find out intimate information that they should really learn in conversation with that person, but instead they searched online. This is happening more and more especially with the younger generations just because they are becoming more comfortable on the internet and using technology than actually talking to people in person.
Overall I think Google and other technologies like Google are great assets. I do think that it is up to the people using them to use them responsibly, and like anything that is not always going to happen.